Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Volume 88, Issue 6, 1 December 1994, Pages 711
Paul Courtright; Routine vitamin A supplementation, fever, and nutritional status in Malawian children during a drought
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Courtright P, Lewallen S, Kanjaloti S, Divala DJ. Traditional eye medicine use among patients with corneal disease in rural Malawi
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Malawi Medical Journal, 10(2): 28-30, 1994
Courtright, P., Mauszycki, J., Jacka, S., Stein, V., Abbdalla, F., Lindsey, D. Comparison of Weight for Height and Mid Upper Arm Circumference: Identification of a Practical Cut-Off and Assessment of the Potential Contribution of Stunting.
Malawi Medical Journal, 10(2): 19-22, 1994
Courtright, P., Mauszycki, J. Factors Associated with Weight Gain Among Malnourished Malawian Children.
International Journal of Epidemiology 1994;23:835-842
Courtright P, Hu LF, Li HY, Hu LF, Lewallen S. Multidrug Therapy and Eye Disease in Leprosy: A Cross-Sectional Study in the People's Republic of China.
Malawi Medical Journal, 10(2): 16-18, 1994
M’manga, R. Success and Failure of Vitamin A Capsule Distribution during the Drought: Results from Chikwawa & Machinga.
Malawi Medical Journal, 10(2): 11-12, 1994
Mauszycki, J. Coping Mechanisms in Chikwawa District: Possible Reasons for Low Rates of Acute Malnutrition During the Drought.