NICARAGUA: “Clinica Oftalmologica Ojo Sano” in Managua, a social enterprise eye clinic built by IEF, Vision for the Poor, and partners, officially opens in August.
CENTRAL AMERICA: The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) supports IEF to provide technical assistance to government eye units in five countries in Central America (El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras) and the Caribbean (Jamaica and Panama).
GLOBAL: IEF selected as the Technical Advisory Group for the USAID Child Blindness Program contract 2013-2018.
HAITI: “Clinique Vision Plus”, a Haitian owned and Haitian run (Dr. Guerline Roney, Dr. Marie Carmelle Lucien and Dr. Pierre DuPuy) social enterprise eye hospital in Cap Haitien built by IEF, Vision for the Poor, Visualiza and partners officially opens in May.
IEF is named “Charity of the Week” by The Week magazine on May 22, 2014 recognizing achievements in improving and expanding eye care in the developing world.
IEF congratulates Dr. William E. Campbell who was named the 2015 Nobel Prize winner in Medicine jointly with Dr. ®Satoshi Omura of Japan, honored for their discovery of ivermectin (Mectizan) to control onchocerciasis.
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