
World Sight Day Congressional Briefing 2022

“Building stronger systems to advance health equity in pediatric eye care: A call to action from a doctor & parent.”

Panelists: Megan Collins, MD, MPH

Stephanie Klas, CAPSW, MBA

Moderator: Joy Harewood, OD, FAAO, Dipl ABO

Vision 2020 USA’s annual Congressional Briefing took place October 13, 2022 on World Sight Day. The topic of the event was "Building stronger systems to advance health equity in pediatric eye care: A call to action from a doctor & parent." This webinar highlights the importance of coordinated systems to advance health equity in pediatric eye care. A pediatric ophthalmologist and the parent of a child with low vision presented their perspectives on how a collaborative approach can foster a better patient experience and can lead to better eye health outcomes.

The webinar was developed in collaboration with speakers from Vision 2020 USA’s 2021 World Sight Day Briefing: Kevin Frick, PhD, and Joy Harewood, OD, FAAO, Dipl ABO, and the Vision 2020 USA Executive Committee.

John M. Barrows, MPH

Chair, Vision 2020 USA